Ta lista zawiera uniwersytety i college neuroscience programy oferujące licencjackich i magisterskich neuroscience stopni. Programy te oferują psychologię i neuroscience stopnie, takie jak bachelor of science w neuroscience, master ' s degree in neuroscience, PhD in neuroscience,MD / PHD in neuroscience, nieletnich i innych stopni kognitywistycznych związanych z nauką.

Sprawdź każdy program neuroscience pod kątem instrukcji rekrutacji, wymagań edukacyjnych, pomocy finansowej i innych informacji, ponieważ każdy program jest unikalny.

prosimy o pomoc w aktualizowaniu tego obszaru., Jeśli znasz program nie wymieniony na liście lub masz jakieś sugestie, daj nam znać.,r>(PhD in Neuroscience and Animal Behavior)
Atlanta, Georgia USA


Indiana University
Neuroscience Program
(Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience)
Bloomington, Indiana USA


Tulane University
Tulane Neuroscience Program
(Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience)
Graduate Neuroscience Program
(PhD in Neuroscience, Masters in Neuroscience Neuroscience)
Nowy Orlean, Louisiana USA


Johns Hopkins University
program licencjacki w neuroscience
(Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience)
graduate program – The Solomon H., Snyder Department of Neuroscience
Graduate Program-The Solomon H.,PhD in Neuroscience)
Baltimore, Maryland USA


Boston University
Neuroscience Program
(Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience)
Boston, Massachusetts USA

Harvard University
Bachelor of Science in Neurobiology
Bachelor of Science in Neurobiology
Program in Neuroscience
(PhD in Neuroscience)
Department of Neurology at Harvard Medical School
Cambridge, Massachusetts USA

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Department of brain and Cognitive Sciences
(Bachelor of Science in brain and Cognitive Sciences)
Graduate Program
(PhD in Neuroscience)
Graduate Program in neuroscience at MIT
Systems Neuroscience
Cognitive Neuroscience at MIT
Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience Graduate Program
Cambridge, Massachusetts USA


Michigan State University
MSU College of Natural Science Neuroscience Program
(informacje o programie Neuroscience)
MSU College of Natural Science Neuroscience Program – studia licencjackie
(B. S., stopień w Neuroscience)
MSU College of Natural Science Neuroscience Program – absolwenci
(PhD in Neuroscience)
East Lansing, Michigan USA

University of Michigan
program licencjacki w Neuroscience
(licencjat w Neuroscience)
University of Michigan Neuroscience Graduate Program
(PhD in Neuroscience)
Laramie, Michigan USA


Washington University in St., Louis
Office of Neuroscience Research
(Bachelor of Science in Biology, Philosophy Neuroscience Psychology (PNP), Bachelor of Science in Psychology with Cognitive Neuroscience concentration)
Undergraduate Neuroscience
Neuroscience Track of the Biology Major
Philosophy-Neuroscience-Psychology (PNP) Major
Psychology Major with a Supplemental Concentration in Cognitive Neuroscience
St.,f Science in Neuroscience)
Nashville, Tennessee USA


Baylor College Of Medicine
Graduate Program in Neuroscience
(PhD in Neuroscience, MD)
Medical School
Houston, Texas USA

University of Texas at Austin
Department of Neuroscience
(Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience, Bachelor of Arts in Neuroscience)
Department of Neuroscience
College of Natural Sciences
zakład neuronauki nie ma własnego programu studiów podyplomowych, ale raczej uczestniczy zarówno w neuronauce graduate program I graduate program w
biologii molekularnej.,aduate Training Department of Clinical Neurosciences
Cambridge, England UK

University College London
Neuroscience BSc
(Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience)
Neuroscience MSci
(Master of Science in Neuroscience)
London, England UK

University of Oxford
Oxford Neuroscience
(Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience)
Neuroscience Graduate Program
MSc Neuroscience
Cognitive Neuroscience
Oxford, England UK

submit a Neuroscience program

proszę dać nam znać, jeśli istnieje program neuroscience powinniśmy dodać do tej listy, wypełniając poniższy formularz.,