Chris’ latest: “Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.”- Ralph Waldo Emerson Facebook Twitter 29.) Jonathan Fields: Author of Uncertainty: Turning Fear and Doubt into Fuel for Brilliance
Jonathan’s latest: The moment you’ve been waiting for doesn’t exist.
Career Renegade Blog

30.,) Colin Wright: Full Time Traveler and Entrepreneur
Colin’s latest: Reading: How to Quit Mindlessly Surfing the Internet and Actually Get Stuff Done
Exile Lifestyle Blog

31.) Darren Hardy: Editor e Diretor Editorial da Revista de sucesso
Darren’s latest: Daily Mojo: The best way to get whatever you want in life is to focus on giving it to others. O que queres mais? Como vai dar hoje?

32.) Pam Slim: Author of Escape from Cubicle Nation
Pam’s latest: Unorthodox success strategies of millionaires-college or no college?, @usnews

33.) Amber Zuckswert: instrutor de pilates virtuais,treinador de nutrição holística e bem-estar. Horários de trabalho e viagens não são desculpas. Virtual coaching o responsabiliza por Epic Self Blog Twitter 34.) T. Harv Ecker: Author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind
Ecker’s latest: Pain is inevitable. O sofrimento é opcional. ~M. Kathleen Casey
35.,) Ali Brown: empresário Mentor
Ali’s latest: “Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.”- Harriet Beecher Stowe

36.) Chris Anderson: fundador da última versão de TED Chris: “seu tempo é limitado, então não o desperdice vivendo a vida de outra pessoa.”Steve Jobs

37.) Loren Ridinger: Internet Fashion Entrepren’s latest: 6 thing you should do that will inspire others to succeed
Loren’s World Blog

38.) John C., Maxwell: Leadership Author and Speaker
John’s latest: Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after another. – Walter Elliott Twitter

39.) Marcus Buckingham: autor de First Break All the Rules
Marcus’ latest: you will be as good a leader of others as you have been of yourself. Então comece por si mesmo, & só então olhe para fora.

40.) Tavis Smiley:
Tavis’ latest: “The working poor” is the phrase I hate most., Se você trabalha na América, você não deve ser pobre no Twitter Tavis Talks no YouTube

Updated: November 2020